Review: Ex-Cult – Negative Growth

Review: Ex-Cult – Negative Growth

Ex-Cult’s latest album, “Negative Growth,” hearkens back to the group’s post-punk-meets-hardcore roots and is complete with a fuzzed-out and sludgy sound. Boasting a sound with an almost unrivaled intensity, the group’s listeners can bear witness to a band that never fails to deliver. This new album is no less intense and incredible. … read more

Review: Carla dal Forno – You Know What It’s Like

Review: Carla dal Forno – You Know What It’s Like

Seeming preposterous that this is Carla dal Forno’s debut album, “You Know What It’s Like” is an album deeply rooted in stark minimalism with a sound palate of shadowy greys and blues. … read more

Review: Black Marble – It’s Immaterial

Review: Black Marble – It’s Immaterial

Adding more exploratory West Coast vibes to their music, Black Marble’s newest album, “It’s Immaterial,” is one that is neither overbearing or chaotic. It exists on an industrial music landscape that leaves room for listeners to not only experience the finished product but to become acquainted with the creative process as well. … read more

Creature Feature: Eden Flesh

Creature Feature: Eden Flesh

“[Eden Flesh is] something different. She’s the most powerful aspect of my feminine and masculine sides and it comes together in this thing that’s not really human anymore. She has definitely given me strength that I didn’t realize I had. I can stomp when I’m in fucking heels and feel really good about it.” … read more

Gallery Stroll: Art Will Bring Us Together

Gallery Stroll: Art Will Bring Us Together

This month’s gallery stroll features are three galleries that continue to bring light, beauty, inspiration and acceptance into our beloved Downtown area. Each gallery is equipped with ample parking, should you choose to drive between your stroll destinations. … read more

SLUG Style: Xena Jade

SLUG Style: Xena Jade

Xena Jade is a staple member of SLUG’s Marketing Team, and you’ve likely noticed their killer style and bold makeup at local events around town. Jade uses makeup and clothing as a continual living art project that blurs the lines between aesthetic style and self-expression on a daily basis. … read more

Central 9th Market

Central 9th Market

I’m not typically one to get romantic about urban business developments, but after getting to know the people behind Central 9th’s newest addition, it’s hard to view the culmination of this project in any other way. Read more about this organization here! … read more