Local Reviews: The Continentals

Local Music Reviews

The Continentals
Street: 12.25.09
The Continentals = Uzi and Ari + Headlights + Bright Eyes
Rhino is a well-constructed album full of elegance that shouldn’t go unnoticed. The swirling synth and dreamy delay guitars create an idea of fading nights meant only for wishing for more time. Songs such as “Avalanche Feet,” with the yelling lyrics of “heart attack,” and “Lighthouse” with transitions of suspense, create captivating explosions of lightning to thunder. Lyrics expand and yet at times, the lead vocals seem constrained. And though each song has a healthy dose of instrumentals demanding focus, the progression of the album grows mellow until a refreshing, slightly spooky “Elaine” takes a new direction with mystical strings. The talent is evident and I look forward to the continuing growth of this band.