Florists – Holdly

Review: Florist – Holdly

National Music Reviews

Florists – Holdly


Street: 10.30.15
Florists = Kimya Dawson + Karen O & The Kids

Holdly has the power to take unassuming hostages and make them really feel something—whether it be nostalgia, heartache or unrequited love. Using uncomplicated lyrics, barely there harmonies and convincing yet comfortable melodies, Florists have created a safe place for listeners to land. There is a sense of childlike positivity in the words, although they are heavy at times. In “Cool and Refreshing,” they sing, “Think of me by the creek in cut off jeans / Thinking about something that has meaning to me.” This album is the softest shade of folk rock, with each of the tracks fading into each other with sweeping poignancy. Save this one for a rainy coffee shop afternoon and let it make your heart heavy in a good way. –Kia McGinnis