Damn These Heels 2015: Tangerine

Damn These Heels Film Festival 2015


Damn These Heels 2015: Portrait of a Serial Monogamist

Portrait of a Serial Monogamist
Directors: John Mitchell & Christina Zeidler

Wolfe Releasing
Street: 06.20

While this film succeeds in making its point—relationships are complicated—it suffers from one too many perspectives on said complicated relationships. The film begins with Elsie (Diane Flacks) breaking up with her long-time girlfriend Robyn (Carolyn Taylor), despite the fact that she’s some kind of compulsive monogamist. As the story doesn’t offer a sufficient explanation as to why Elsie feels the need to end her relationship, it’s hard to invest in the characters.Yes, Elsie does learn a thing or two about herself along this journey, and yes, there are a few charming bits of dialogue regarding dog park hookups and lesbian relationship drama, but the end result feels overstuffed. The subplot involving Elsie’s supercool job getting potentially usurped by a soulless corporation, her coldly intellectual family, and the seemingly endless supporting cast of artistic wunderkinds all serve to the story’s detriment. What should be an honest exploration of a relationship between two women becomes eclipsed by the filmmakers’ swollen cinematic atmosphere. –Alex Springer

Damn These Heels 2015: Tab Hunter Confidential

Tab Hunter Confidential
Director: Jeffrey Schwarz

Allan Glaser Productions
Street: 03.15

Like the many films of 1950’s Hollywood heartthrob Tab Hunter, it’s hard to watch this film without getting a sense of conflict, romance and happy endings. While Hunter’s career with Warner Brothers was everything a young actor could dream of, it came at the cost of denying his own homosexuality. Given the circumstances of his popularity and the attitude towards homosexuality in the 1950’s, Hunter led an extremely difficult double life. The documentary spans Hunter’s Hollywood career, right up to his work in the John Waters cult classic Polyester, eventually concluding with his relatively quiet and happy life with Allan Glaser. As this complicated yet triumphant story unfolds, we also get a unique look into what many consider to be the golden age of Hollywood—Hunter’s off-record relationship with Anthony Perkins was compellingly bittersweet. Despite the personal struggles that he endured throughout his career, Hunter’s presence remains infused with sincerity and humor. It’s a fascinating character study wrapped up in a compelling piece of Hollywood history. –Alex Springer