Mike Brown: The Year of the Gun, Goin’ In Hot!

Mike Brown: The Year of the Gun, Goin’ In Hot!

After years of refusing to hold a firearm, I changed my mind a few weeks ago and decided to go to the desert and shoot the shit out of a banana with various assault weapons. … read more

Music + Beer = Family = The UBC Music Squad

Music + Beer = Family = The UBC Music Squad

If you’ve never met Utah Brewers Cooperative Business Manager Cindi Robinson, then you have never seen such a passion for local music. From tabling at shows for animal-activism promotion to organizing bake sales for bands to raise money to go on tour, Robinson now continues her superlative enthusiasm for the local music scene on a day-to-day basis at UBC, as she has surrounded herself with notable local musicians by hiring them to work for the brewery. … read more

Princess Kennedy: The Craft

Princess Kennedy: The Craft

One thing that is certainly not unique to Utah yet is an area we excel in, is the gift of arts and crafts. We’re steeped in the talents of furniture making, sewing, stitching, jewelry—you name it, we have a friend who does it. … read more

Beer Reviews

Beer Reviews

Odds are, if you’re reading this, living a “countercultural” lifestyle is at the top of the list on that whole quasi-grasshopper-vision quest thing you call a life. In SLC, beer would be considered a top player on the list.  … read more

SLUG Holiday Comix – July 2013

SLUG Holiday Comix – July 2013

SLUG Holiday Comix from Gazelam Ale, featuring guest narrator Brigham Young! … read more

Dear Dickheads – July 2013

Dear Dickheads – July 2013

I read the article on Salt City United in your June issue and my jaw dropped open. The author was clearly biased, or maybe too wrapped up in her shitty version of gonzo journalism and identity issues to see these assholes for what they truly are: a bunch of has-been nobodies trying to keep the “hardcore dream” alive by transferring their daddy issues and bully mentality to a different stage/stadium. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Megan Kennedy

Contributor Limelight: Megan Kennedy

Since joining SLUG in March 2011, Megan Kennedy has become our resident metal maven and queen of all things geeky.  … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Highway Haikus

Beautiful Godzilla: Highway Haikus

For better or worse, I’ve accepted that being a human with breasts, long hair and a voluptuous backside automatically subjects me to a barrage of verbal assaults the moment I step outside. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Art For the Urbanite

Gallery Stroll: Art For the Urbanite

Urban Arts Festival Founder and Executive Director of the Utah Arts Alliance, Derek Dyer has been a driving force in coordinating, facilitating and collaborating with urban artists for the last 10 years. … read more

Beer Fest Calendar

Beer Fest Calendar

As this is the holy Beer Issue, I, the Beer Gnerd and your pastor in beer, have provided for you this list of nearby beer festivals to help you break the heat, while giving you the opportunity to laugh at your friend, Jeff, as he pukes in his shoes. … read more