Carlos Truan

Carlos Truan

Carlos Truan started working in a tattoo shop when he was 18 years old, at 23 he landed an apprenticeship and has been tattooing on and off for the past nine years. Truan has traveled and tattooed in many cities and will be doing a guest spot at Lost Art Tattoo from Sept. 10-17. SLUG:

Skate Product Reviews – September 2007

Skate Product Reviews – September 2007

Reviews for ES Footwear, Toy Machine and Bones Wheels … read more

Critical Mass: Put the Fun Between Your Legs

Critical Mass: Put the Fun Between Your Legs

On the last Friday of every month, cyclists all over the world take to the streets in a loosely organized celebration/protest known as Critical Mass. Safety in numbers and promoting the idea that bikes are legitimate traffic are the two key statements Critical Mass makes. … read more

Two Decades of Peddlin’ Evil: A History of The Heavy Metal Shop

Two Decades of Peddlin’ Evil: A History of The Heavy...

“I imagine there will be somebody that will want to take it over,” said Kevin Kirk, owner of the Heavy Metal Shop. “I never really put that much thought into it: it is really cool I’m still doing it. I’m getting pretty old now; I’m 45—look at Mick Jagger, though. I’ll do it until I can’t. Why not?” … read more

Inversion Trawler: Leona Meets Her Spirit Guide

Inversion Trawler: Leona Meets Her Spirit Guide

What follows is a transcribed portion of a telephone conversation between aunt Leona and a friend of hers. With our dictaphone we were able to record only Leona’s end of the conversation: … So, I joined the group a little bit later than everybody else. The first assignment had been for each person to meditate

Never Souled Out: the Troy Johnson Interview

Never Souled Out: the Troy Johnson Interview

Skateboarding is the true fountain of youth, and anyone who has had the courage to ride one for the past 15-plus years is a hero. Skaters always talk about paying their dues, but to live through every era of modern skating has been a blast with no regrets except for the fact that you could

Random News From the Skate World – August 2007

Random News From the Skate World – August 2007

Thank God the sun is letting off a little less heat these days. Salt Lake was starting to seem more like Phoenix for a while there. That would be okay if we had as many empty and full swimming pools as they do. In unfortunate news, Adam Dyet will no longer be calling Utah home.

Dear Dickheads – September 2007

Dear Dickheads – September 2007

Dear Dickheads … I recently spent my summer in Salt Lake City and one of the best parts was picking up your magazine each month. I found some of the best music through it that I have ever! Now I’m back at school at Oklahoma State University, and was wondering if there was any way

Mike Brown: Pirates

Mike Brown: Pirates

Alright, so it’s been a while since I wrote a SLUG article that I didn’t put in a fair amount of effort into. The last time I did that was when I wrote that story about turtles and how cool I think they are. And most people seemed to actually like that article anyway. But