Benjamin Finger
Listen To My Nerves Hum
Time Released Sound
Street: 06.15
Benjamin Finger = Eluvium + Loscil
Equally as haunting as it is soothing, Listen To My Nerves Hum is perfect for any ambient lover with bipolar tendencies. While “Año Nuevo Acid Crackers,” with sound samples of fireworks, leaves you wishing you were on a blanket in the middle of a baseball field, “Sevilla on Tape” brings to the surface ghost-like chants that might make you wish you were curled under a blanket with a flashlight. Finger composes these piano tunes in a way that comes across as hypnotic, nostalgic and intimate, and is soothing enough to wind down a heated night. The limited edition of this set includes a 8.5"x5” box with a hanging bird mobile, created from parts of antique pianos, and is filled with unique collages and old musical strips, making this an album that pleases multiple layers of senses. –Brinley Froelich