Dylan Champagne & the Lost Explorers
The Bones EP
Street: 04.08
Dylan Champagne & the Lost Explorers = Elvis Presley x The Growlers

The first time I heard this album, I fucking hated it. I figured that there was nothing new to be done with the original rock ‘n roll sound. The rock n’ roll and rockabilly sound has been around forever, what could they possibly do to make it innovative? Dylan Champagne and Co. manages to take a fresh perspective on the genre by adding a nice modern indie twist. “Starboard 1972” is fun, catchy and completely Californian with its use of surfer guitars and wavy, urgent vocals. “Alien Kid” is by far the strongest song, which exemplifies the group’s range in their ability to originally replicate the vibe of the ‘50s and ‘60s while adding their own flair to the mix. While it took me a minute to come around to this, I’m so glad I gave it a second chance. –Allison Shephard