Michael Bloomfield
From His Head to His Heart to His Hands
Street: 02.04
Michael Bloomfield = Robert Johnson + Muddy Waters + Ry Cooder
Growing up in Chicago, Michael Bloomfield was a Jewish kid from a wealthy family who soaked up blues like a sponge. At a young age, he had gained an exceptional guitar prowess that is all over these tunes. He would go on to record famously with Bob Dylan, and though Bloomfield, a solo Jewish blues artist, was a hard sell to mass audiences, his genius stands the test—both in his solo work and material from other projects. This three-disc set is a lot to wade through, and it is so eclectic, treading into jazz and rock regions, I can’t imagine any blues fan, guitar enthusiast or fan of the artists Bloomfield worked with not finding the trip worth it. There’s a timeless nature to true and honest blues no matter where they come from, and that’s why these recordings still work. –James Orme