
Memories to Kill EP


Street: 08.15.14

Monorchist = The Gits + Vice Squad

Monorchist came back after a lengthy hiatus and wasted little time getting into the game as they broke slightly past their punk roots and into a more hard rock n’ roll sound. This EP is the combination of powerful, heavy riffs and passionate, whiskey-soaked vocals that Kourtney Layton belts out with a definite longing filled with angst.

Memories to Kill teases the listener with only five tracks from one of SLC’s finest. The standout numbers are “Hypocrite’s Daughter” and “My Muse is Dead.” However, the crème de la crème—and my personal favorite—is “Beautiful Distraction.” I’ve long awaited their return, and this EP is a sign of great potential. I’m keen to see what Monorchist spin out next. –Nick Kuzmack