Record Reviews: February 1995


The first three are from Fat Wreck Chords. They advertise so whores that we are we review their “product.” The final two are on the Burnt Sienna label. They’ll probably advertise next month.

Stinky Fingers EP

The cover is highly original. They copy the Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers and call the EP Stinky Fingers. I took a box cutter and sliced down the zipper to see what was inside. All I found was a God damn record. I think the blade ruined the record ‘cause all I heard was pop punk that reminded me of the Jam Warren’s song three is the best, it only lasts about 30 seconds.


88 Fingers Louie
Wanted EP

“Holding Back, Honestly / Blink, Help?” I had to check the personnel on this one. It sounds exactly like the Offspring. How come 88 Fingers Louie aren’t on MTV and featured in every magazine on the newsstand? It’s probably because they come from Melrose Park, Illinois. If you like The Offspring, you will definitely like wanted. The highlight is a cover of the Beatles “Help!” done in punk rock fashion.


Good Riddance
Decoy EP

“United Cigar / 12 Year circus, Free.” Another dose of California punk rock from some actual California residents. They are from Santa Cruz. The best song is “Free.” The lyrics are printed on the record cover and “Free: takes the police and the Right to Lifers on, “Keep your morals to yourself. Get your hands off of me, I’m supposed to be free.” Thank you, Good Riddance.


Morning Glories
Tower / Average Crowd pleaser

I expected some kind of psychedelic music because of the band’s name. Not even close. The Morning Glories don’t play psych and it isn’t another punk rock record. This single is what a single used to be——radio ready. The vocals are a touch abrasive but the hooks are present and the breaks in the middle of the song show that this group can play their instruments. They aren’t copying anyone. Wholly original and refreshing.


Pigeon Heaven on Liberty

This is apparently something new from them. Souci is the girl singer and I’m in love. She’s a twisted little darling. “Pigeon Heaven” addresses the subject of six year olds finding dead birds and taking them off in shoe boxed for burial. A decent burial is required if a bird wants to reach heaven. “On Liberty” is more on the subject of Souci’s lonely life. It’s winter in Ohio, her boyfriend moved to Boston and became a rockstar: Souci is left waiting for the phone to ring. However, she’s not as lonely as she would have us believe. “(This is your fault). I fucked a boy last night who left me sleepless and sore and hating myself for thinking I deserved it. Hating myself for hoping he’d go down on me.” The music backing this girl is simple garage punk. Without her they’d be another in the wilderness. With her Pet UFO easily take the prize for the best single of the stack.


Tardbasket / A.A.

A year or two ago when Aaron (vocalists) quit Decomposers, I was distraught. See, Kelly (bassists) told me without Aaron they would have to break up. I begged like a kid wanting Count Chocula for them to just find another vocalist and keep going. Well I don’t know why I didn’t think of it, but Chopper soon joined the band.

I have to admit that I prefer Aaron’s vocals over Chopper’s, but the band is just as good as they have always been. I am not the best judge of music but I know what I like and I like this seven-inch. I wish it were a full length album it will do.

This is the first offering of Decomposers since the reformation with Chopper (their second as of yet) and it deserves every bit of recognition possible. Whoever mixed and engineered this little doozy did one hell of a job catching Decomposers sound. I am going to scratch my copy so I can get the full punk sound like all of my other early 80’s trash / garage punk albums.

If you haven’t ever seen Decomposers live than it is time you did. The band still has all the energy to rock the crowds and get banned from a good portion of the Salt Lake clubs. Next time they play live, harass the band for your own cop, take it home, get drunk and dance yer pants off. 

Read more from Issue 74 here.