Ride, Swap, Ride: The Ogden Bike Collective Bike Swap
Crank lost its cool? Shifter gotten stiffer? Don’t let your busted bike get you down: You can swap that thing out for a rad new ride at the Ogden Bike Collective’s 8th Annual Bike Swap. Predating the actual collective, the swap originated to raise seed money for a collective in Ogden, similar to the Salt Lake City model, with a mission to “Promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation and as a cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier and safer society.” The collective also provides refurbished bikes and educational programs to the community, with a focus on children and lower-income households. “We rely on the money raised at the Bike Swap to keep us running,” says Clint Watson, director of the Ogden Bike Collective. “Fundraisers like the Bike Swap account for about 25 percent of the collective’s budget, with another 25 percent from grants and 50 percent from bike sales.”
The swap will feature a wide range of bikes and components for sale, and this year, for the first time, will include new bikes from QBP (Quality Bicycle Products), such as three Trolls, two Cross Checks and a Karate Monkey. “We get donations from several of the bike manufacturing companies around town that we can sell for cheap,” says Watson. If you have a bike you want to unload, you can even consign with the Collective at the swap. They’ll sell your bike and retain 25 percent of the sale price as a donation, and you get a little padding for your pockets to splurge on more bike swag. “A lot of people have bikes just sitting around the garage that they might be on the fence about,” says Watson, “and this could be their chance to move it off and pick up something new.” You can bring your bike in a few days before the swap or even the day of. If you are shopping for a bike, you can purchase with confidence, knowing that all of the used bikes being sold will be in tip-top shape after a tune-up from one of the Collective’s professional bike mechanics. “We don’t send any bikes out for sale that haven’t been looked over by a technician,” Watson says proudly. “We stand behind every bike that leaves the shop.” On top of quality and safety, you can’t beat the swap’s generous 10 percent off purchases for the day. You can also expect help finding a bike that fits your body and riding needs, as well as any technical advice that you may need.

At the swap, you are bound to see a wide variety of folks who love bikes and want to support their community collective. “We see families, we see young single guys working on fixed gears and we see everyone here,” says Watson. Upon entering the collective’s small building, located on a quiet neighborhood street, it is immediately clear that the Ogden Bike Collective is community driven. Their current shop still holds some remnants of the old dry-cleaning business that once occupied the space. Pictures of the building’s transformation into a bike shop adorn the wall as you near the entrance, which is lined with bike-filled racks and bins full of parts. Watson fondly recalls the community support that went into helping set up this newer shop after the collective left its previous Downtown location due to rising rent costs. “A lot of the work here was donated by local businesses and volunteers,” says Watson. “Through generous support from Ogden City, we were able to completely landscape outside of the building, and Pitcher Plumbing & Heating donated all of their work to redo the plumbing.” In addition to a strong community showing, Watson is excited to have a taco truck and Grounds For Coffee on hand, as well as some live entertainment to keep swap attendees in good spirits while they peruse the array of gear.
The 8th Annual Bike Swap will take place on Saturday, May 7, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Ogden Bike Collective is located at 936 28th Street. The swap typically ends with an improvised group ride around the city as attendees are eager to try out and flaunt their new gear. You can find additional info on the Collective’s Facebook, Instagram or website, ogdenbikecollective.org. The Ogden Bike Collective is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12 to 8 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays from 12 to 5 p.m. for buying bikes or working in the DIY bike shop. If you are handy with a wrench (or want to learn how to be handy with a wrench), you can volunteer at the Collective on Thursdays from 1 to 8 p.m. or by appointment. The Collective will also take bike donations Wednesdays through Saturdays from 12 to 5 p.m.
“There is no event like this north of Salt Lake,” Walton says, so bring out your old bike and join a tight-knit crew of fellow bike enthusiasts looking for a little something special to add to their two-wheeled collection.