Eliza James throws a practice punch in a bright colored jacket and a hot pink hat.

SLUG Style: Eliza James

Slug Style

Eliza James is the owner and creator of Boxing Is For Girls—a Sugar House-based boxing studio and physical (and mental) training ground—and a big believer in the power of the unexpected. Her bold and bright style and personality, combined with her athletic prowess, makes her undeniable force in changing the lives of all who enter her gym. 

Every month, SLUG Style features a distinct member of the community and asks them why they do what they do. Exploring more than just clothing, SLUG Style is an attempt to feature the people who give Salt Lake City flavor through personality and panache.

Eliza James squats down with a medicine ball during training, wearing bright yellow sneakers.
James’ style reflects her athleticism, big personality and love of bright colors. Photo: Jovvany Villalobos.

What are your stylistic influences? This could be a band, decade, fictional character—anything.

I do very much have an affinity for the 1920s and 1930s but this doesn’t so much impact my physical style— more my inner and outer landscape— my whole being. My stylistic influence comes from the arts, music and intuition. I often wear clothes with deep meaning behind the color and/or who gave them to me. I would say I dress with a perfect purity of artist/musician/athlete. 

What are your interests or hobbies? What is the hobby or interest that you have that no one would realize to ask you about?

For the masses, I would say fast cars… and for the especially conscious ones, I would say I study consciousness for more than half of every day. This is not a hobby— this is my actual interest. Boxing and training partner very well with this deep interest to transcend the mind and body. A true martial artist, if you will. Inquiring who I am is in the practice of the sport as well.

Eliza James wears a tropical print jacket and hot pink hat while throwing a jab.
Eliza James enjoys empowering others to get in touch with their athleticism. Photo: Jovvany Villalobos.

Are you always “on” or would someone see you at the grocery store, for example, with less elements of your style?

There seems to even be a great flair to my cozy and after-hours. This isn’t necessarily noticed by me; there seems to be a magnetism to my style. It surprises me when people comment on something that looks so normal.

Has fitness always been a big part of your life? What about it draws you in?

My life got significantly better once I realized I was an athlete and nurtured that. Athleticism comes very natural[ly] to me. I am in love with introducing that to others for themselves. It has been so enlivening to create and produce a living that guarantees a positive and powerful outcome for those I work with.

There’s a lot of color both in your clothing and the decor of your gym. What is it about bold colors that appeals to you?

Training colors your world. Color equals energy. I am pure energy and I am in the business of producing energy. I am also an artist and I sell art for many other artists. The original design of my building is a mix of abstract art and graffiti art (20 years ago, I grabbed taggers off of the streets and brought them into businesses to do their art) with a quintessential background of an industrial, classic boxing studio. 

How does your involvement in fitness and physical activity impact your style day-to-day? Are there any favorite clothing items from your closet that allow for a wide range of movement?

My clothing closet is a topic of conversation all by itself. It has a life of its own.

Eliza James wears black boxing gloves to throw some practice punches in front of a wall covered in bright graffiti.
Eliza James believes in the power of the unexpected and of a strong body and mind. Photo: Jovvany Villalobos.

If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would those be? 

Ready. Set. BAM!

Colorful abstract art hangs on a bright green wall above a rack of multi-colored boxing gloves.
Eliza James is drawn to bright colors in clothing and gym decor because of the energy they create. Photo: Jovvany Villalobos.

The Boxing Is For Girls website mentions “the power of the unexpected.” How does your belief in this power impact your style and how you go about your life?

The unexpected is the only thing that is real. Everything else is a projection of time and space through the past, present and future. You have to be able to slow the mind down to be in the now, it is beyond any thought. Thought is past. Now is unexpected and unknown. It’s very interesting and can be very exciting. NEW YOU!

How have you seen your work at Boxing Is For Girls empower others and impact their lives?

Personal power is the game changer. Strong body and strong mind is the only foundation to make sound decisions. There hasn’t been one person, out of the thousands that I have trained that didn’t greatly improve their own lives and the lives of those around them.

How has your personal style evolved over time?

My style has settled into its own.

If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

You did what you came here to do… You always knew. The veil of doubt has been cleared.

Read more SLUG Style features:
SLUG Style: Kelly Green
SLUG Style: Jenn Wiggins