Photo Feature: Millionaire Michael

I took this photo of my friend, Millionaire Michael (real name withheld to protect his stock market status), last October at this strange spot on the outskirts of Oakland, Calif. This spot is in a city park in a really mellow neighborhood.
It actually used to be a skatepark in the 1970s. When the 1980s hit and skateboarding kind of died, the skatepark was torn out and the city turned it into a playground. This big, cement wave was all that was left of the original skatepark. It used to have these weird monkey bar things you had to curve through to skate, and was really difficult to get to. Recently, the playground was renovated and they made the runway wider and more direct. They also added some nice ledges to skate. It’s one of those really unique spots that are always a blast to skate, and Michael had no problem shredding a 5-0 fakie on it on a very nice day in October. If you’re ever just outside of Oakland, look for the skateable city park with a big green taco.