I’d like to say that I’m an artist and my photos are timeless, but that would be a joke. This photo will be dated by this time next year, when some kid from Nowheresville, Utah hardflips into this same trick at this same spot. Unfortunately for Cody Hardflip, Sam Giles got a pretty damn stylish backside 50-50 on this spot without the hardflip.
Photo Feature: Sam Giles

It’s finally time for summer. Unfortunately, this photo is from a few months back, when it was comfortable jacket weather. I guess that’s part of me being a geezer and not developing anything for months, so I have a backlog of images I’ve totally forgotten about. I’d like to say that I’m an artist and my photos are timeless, but that would be a joke. This photo will be dated by this time next year, when some kid from Nowheresville, Utah hardflips into this same trick at this same spot. Unfortunately for Cody Hardflip, Sam Giles got a pretty damn stylish backside 50-50 on this spot without the hardflip … and that is timeless, even if my photo isn’t.
Sam Giles, Backside 50-50