SLUG Games Goes Postal: Presented by Scion
Ski / Snowboard

On Saturday, Feb. 15, folks flocked by the dozens to the wintry slopes of Brighton Resort for the 2014 SLUG Games Goes Postal Presented by Scion. Held at the base of the Milly lift, colorful sponsor tents flapped in the morning breeze as SLUG staffers and the Brighton Park Crew put the finishing touches on the course. By the time everyone was processed, 131 shredders had signed up for the contest. Designed as an open jam session, contestants had the choice of hitting a massive tube, down box, donkey dick, close-out mailboxes to a dumpster, wall ride and a quarter-pipe with a mailbox—all of which were overseen by the bright orange SLUG sign that was lovingly crammed at the top of the course. Read details on what went down that epic day on the slopes here, see a full photo gallery here, and watch the video recap here.