Issues: Issue 32 - August 1991
Television: August 1991
The special effects are occasionally low budget and cheesy, but it doesn’t matter. … read more
Record And Tape Reviews: August 1991
The Pixies continue to move forward in their musical legacy, improving on their former style and adding new brilliance to their recording career. … read more
Notes From The Industrial Underground: August 1991
As for Fad Gadget, they wrote many of the catchiest techno-pop songs of the early eighties and were ripped-off by any number of less-talented and untalented bands. … read more
Fractal Method: Form, Change and Dimension
Solidly founded in the conviction that within the boundaries of this plane one should do what one must, this music speaks for itself, and is exactly what it must be. … read more
Film And Video: August 1991
Sleazy, slimy, bottom of the garbage heap stuff is what cranks me, ya know? … read more
Books And Literature: August 1991
It’s probably not a surprise if you’ve never heard of controversial author J.G. Ballard; he has been blackballed by virtually every major publishing company. … read more