Local Review: Anthony Pena – Apology
Local Music Reviews

Anthony Pena
Street: 07.07
Anthony Pena = Incubus + acoustic Bombay Bicycle Club
The inside cover of this album says, “With my sincerest heart, I am so sorry for who I was.” The music that follows is apologetic and cathartic, yet full of yearning. “Junius” combines upbeat vocal harmonies and emotional bursts of guitar with the lyrics “I never thought I would die right next to you.” “Mayuri” begins with gentle strumming that sounds like drops of rain, fading effortlessly into the next track, “Solstice.” There is just enough distortion to give Apology a dreamy, distant feel, but the tender and stark lyrics keep it from floating away. The musical spacing is quick at times, as if following a heart’s lament—at other times, it’s the heavy and deliberate feeling of moving on. It must have made Pena vulnerable to open himself up emotionally for Apology, but he pulls it off beautifully. –Kia McGinnis