Local Music Reviews

The Age of Ether
Street: 06.28.14
Disforia = Iced Earth + Blind Guardian +
Into Eternity
I’ve had the pleasure of following this act for some time, and it’s incredible to see how exponentially better, more polished and more professional they become with each release. The Age Of Ether is a beautiful, soaring display of melodic, power and progressive metal with sci-fi lyrical themes. John Yelland’s vocals are flat-out mind-blowing, and he makes a powerful partner with Hansi Kursch of Blind Guardian, who provides guest vocals on “The Dying Firmament,” and Brittney Hayes of Unleash the Archers on “Lunar Sunrise.” The guitar work is detailed and, along with keys, builds a sonic landscape that got my blood pumping. Production values on this album are insane. These dudes areinittowinit,andtheyareoneof the most promising bands in this state. –Megan Kennedy