Local Review: Strong Words – There Is A River, There Is A Choice
Local Music Reviews

Strong Words
There Is A River, There Is A Choice
Street: 05.02
Strong Words = Pedro The Lion + Tegan & Sara
There Is A River is a blossom of a sophomore album. The opening track, “Before The Sweetness,” immediately establishes an eloquent sense of maturity that is notably progressive from Strong Words’ first full-length release, Come Clean. Vocalist/guitarist Cathy Foy seems to have found her lyrical legs, with words that are sweeping and splendidly bittersweet. In “Coast Along,” she sings, “Drive yourself home / To feel the electric lights flood your dark side.” There is a fullness and depth to the tracks on There Is A River, amplified with a Wurlitzer and wellplaced backup vocals that make just enough of an appearance to leave a savory feeling of longing. In “Ready To Turn Around,” there is a build of tension that makes for tactful composition and highlights the tight relationship between the drums and bass. There Is A River features rad cover art from locals Andrew Shaw and Mary Toscano. –Kia McGinnis