Local Reviews: Daisy & The Moonshines
Local Music Reviews

Daisy & The Moonshines
Daisy EP
Street: 12.02.11
Daisy & The Moonshines = The Dead Weather + The Black Keys
This band has three things that make them dangerously worthwhile: class, soul and groove. It would be difficult to listen to their music and not feel engaged in some way or another—whether it be to the visceral, bluesy feel (such as in the song “50’s Kill Off!”) or the genuine lyrics that thread the album together. With inspiration ranging from Aretha Franklin to The Red Hot Chili Peppers, the members of Daisy & The Moonshines know how to get a crowd moving. Their sound incorporates ravishing bass lines and an almost nostalgic, classic rock-esque guitar—as well as killer drums and vocals. The song “Daisy” stands out as especially striking, well developed and mature. While the album is worth acquiring, I recommend catching these cats live for a thumpin’ good time. Who’s bringing the whiskey?