Local Reviews: Fictionist
Local Music Reviews
Street: 11.15.11
Fictionist = Wolfmother + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
You may recall that Fictionist had a flirtation with Rolling Stone Magazine and made it to the third round of their cover contest. This is their first release since said 15 minutes of fame, and their third total. While listening, I perceived swells of darkness against opposing waves of hope—there’s no doubt that this EP is an emotionally driven work of rock n’ roll. Fictionist successfully portrays emotion through slightly theatrical, immensely solid songs such as “Great Escape.” Progression seems to be a theme for this band, as these five songs have a notably different, more mature texture than the previous album, Lasting Echo. They may not have made it big on a national scale (yet), but this chapter of music validates Fictionist’s talent and unblinking passion.