A typewritten note on a torn sheet of paper was included with my copy of this CD, which said, “This really means a lot to me.”
Review: Young Hare – Unbreak My Heart
National Music Reviews

Young Hare
Unbreak My Heart
Altin Village & Mine Records
Street: 03.15
Young Hare = Xiu Xiu –
vocals + PTTRNS
A typewritten note on a torn sheet of paper was included with my copy of this CD, which said, “This really means a lot to me.” As is evident in the composition of this music, this duo takes songwriting as a cathartic endeavor. Unbreak My Heart is a muted form of pop, with dreamscape hints and touches. It’s not full-blown techno, but it alludes to the genre in its keyboard riffs and dance-y bass lines. “Cao Lua” has a nice falsetto loop, while “Sienna” uses a clap synth sound along with the vocal harmony. Give this a spin if you’re looking for something atmospheric and laidback. –Kia McGinnis
Unbreak My Heart
Altin Village & Mine Records
Street: 03.15
Young Hare = Xiu Xiu –
vocals + PTTRNS
A typewritten note on a torn sheet of paper was included with my copy of this CD, which said, “This really means a lot to me.” As is evident in the composition of this music, this duo takes songwriting as a cathartic endeavor. Unbreak My Heart is a muted form of pop, with dreamscape hints and touches. It’s not full-blown techno, but it alludes to the genre in its keyboard riffs and dance-y bass lines. “Cao Lua” has a nice falsetto loop, while “Sienna” uses a clap synth sound along with the vocal harmony. Give this a spin if you’re looking for something atmospheric and laidback. –Kia McGinnis