![Nadia Rae Morales and Sonia Pentz pose together at Mestizo Gallery in Salt Lake City, Utah.](https://www.slugmag.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/nadia-rae-morales-and-sonia-pentz.webp)
Ithaka 12 and Zacuanpapalotls @ Mestizo Gallery 02.21
Mestizo Institute of Culture and Arts | MICA is pleased to announce the opening of an exhibit featuring the work of two Utah-based, Latina artists Sonia Pentz and Nadia Rea Morales at Mestizo Gallery in Salt Lake City, Utah.
From February 17th to March 14th, Mestizo Gallery will present two mixed media installations, Pentz’s Ithaka 12 and Rea Morales’s Zacuanpapalotls, which explore issues pertaining to migration, memory, reconciliation and transformation in both a personal and cultural sense. A key subject approached by both artists’ installations is the Monarch butterfly—a symbol of transnationalism, cultural identity and remembrance—tying the installations visually and conceptually.
Mestizo Institute of Culture and Arts is a non-profit organization that strives to enrich community through art and civic engagement and seeks to give underrepresented artists and communities in Salt Lake City a voice: mestizoarts.org.