Whether behind the scenes or out on the front lines, SLUG is thrilled and honored to have Austin Beck-Doss as a force on our Editorial team.
December 3, 2020

Contributor Limelight: Austin Beck-Doss

As a Contributing Writer, Copy Editor and Editorial Intern, Austin Beck-Doss shines at SLUG through his careful eye and substantive editorial intuition. As witty as it is incisive and profound, Beck-Doss’ writing oozes a humanistic edge and finds creative, accessible ways to highlight the people at the heart of his stories. This month, check out his feature on Pam Pendersen of Central Book Exchange (pg. 36) and his entry on Cut WormsNobody Lives Here Anymore in our group list of the Top Albums of 2020 (pg. 28). Whether behind the scenes or out on the front lines, SLUG is thrilled and honored to have Austin Beck-Doss as a consistent and reliable force on our Editorial team.