Community Development Manager

John Ford

John Ford (he/him/his) can most often be seen high-fiving people in between phone calls with potential and current advertisers and sponsors. His most recent role with SLUG is that of the Community Development Manager, but his story started as a Copy Editor in 2011, and he’s covered the bases of a Contributing Writer, a Distribution Driver, Ad Sales Representative, Associate Producer for the SLUG Soundwaves podcast and much more. His favorite thing about SLUG is that the magazine provides valuable information for our community here in Utah, be it relationships with local businesses, upcoming events or just awesome things happening in our great state. When he’s not working for SLUG, Ford will consult the magazine’s Daily Calendar to go out and do things on his personal time, as events listed there often coincide with his interests. An avid reader of the mag since 1992, Ford has developed a valued connection with the city of salt through SLUG’s foundations: Music, arts, lifestyle and events!