
Breaking: Cyclists And Drivers Not As Chummy As Thelma And...
Salt Lake City Mayor Rosalee Kirkpatmore has taken a more forward approach in addressing the cyclist/motorist kerfuffle surrounding 300 South. At a recent City Hall meeting, she went into abuelita mode, saying, “You know, I’ve been in the city planning-game a long time. Mapping out parking spaces isn’t easy, and if there’s one thing I know about you people, it’s that you’re never happy no matter what we do."

Green Day’s American Idiot @ Kingsbury Hall 12.03
Alright, I know what you’re thinking. Punk rock? On Broadway? Are you fuckin’ serious? Set aside your thoughts on whether or not Green Day is “punk.” Instead, let’s talk about the awesome spectacle that is American Idiot. … read more