Derby Depot

Hot Wheelers vs. Black Diamond Divas: The Saga Continues
The brave souls who ventured out last Saturday and faced the crazy-weird monsoon-type weather we’ve been experiencing lately were privileged to the quad driven, counter-clockwise action of Wasatch Derby League. … read more

Wasatch Roller Derby: Junior Rollers
Wasatch Junior Roller derby is made up of some of the most dedicated young men and women I have ever seen. The Junior Rollers are taught by some of the top players in Utah Roller Derby. The amount of skill and technique these players have rivals that of the competitive teams on WRD. … read more

SLC Roller Derby Transforms: WRD Shakeups
Shouting and whistles echo through the warehouse, christening the “Derby Depot.” I walk by the oval-shaped track where nearly two dozen skaters practice to the rhythm of blasting music. … read more

Wasatch Roller Derby Double Header
Over the weekend, Wasatch Roller Derby (WRD) hosted a double header on their home track, located at the Derby Depot (1415 South 300 West). … read more

Season’s Beatings: Red Rockettes Season Ender 12.12
With 15 minutes left, Black Frost was still in command of the scoreboard. Black Frost’s blockers did a fantastic job, containing Candy Pain jammer Duchess of Destruction, nearly knocking her into the crowd. Lucky Vixen, a Black Frost jammer, was able to score 10 points as her blockers were doing double duty, aiding her through the pack and restraining Duchess. This jam was very action filled, and it continued on as Duchess was hit out of play. She came back in, cutting the track, only to be knocked down again straight onto her ass. … read more