Content Shifter: 8 TV Series from Oh! Canada

Content Shifter: 8 TV Series from Oh! Canada

We all have friends—mostly on Facebook, the whiniest of all social-media platforms—who have been threatening to “move to Canada!” for almost two years now. They haven’t, they won’t, and they’re certainly not going to shut up aboot it. Too bad, because Canada has far more to offer than brutal hockey, legal weed and free healthcare:

Review: The Best of Vol. 2 The Kids in the Hall

Review: The Best of Vol. 2 The Kids in the...

The Best of Vol. 2 The Kids in the Hall A&E TV Street: 07.31 Kids in the Hall was a popular comedy troupe in the mid-90s that brought Canadian humor to the states, relying heavily on satire, monologues and a liberal dosing of absurd situations. Like Vol. 1, Vol. 2 showcases the best of the