Review: Sunflower Bean – Human Ceremony

Review: Sunflower Bean – Human Ceremony

Brooklyn-based Sunflower Bean are a dynamic trio who’ve made lightning-fast progress as a band to watch, pairing their fast-paced and energetic psych rock with equally paced, widespread tours. … read more

Review: Striker – Stand In The Fire

Review: Striker – Stand In The Fire

Striker have definitely hit their stride on their fourth full-length album, Stand in the Fire. The band struck gold, combining the essence of the classic heavy metal sound of their second album, Armed to the Teeth, with the aggressive, fiery thrash guitars found on their third record, City of Gold. … read more

Review: TEEN – Love Yes

Review: TEEN – Love Yes

TEEN Love Yes Carpark Street: 02.19 TEEN = St. Vincent x Chairlift Love Yes, TEEN’s third album, finds the female quartet swimming in similar waters as their contemporaries, making big, glossy pop songs. The seductive prowess of Little Dragon’s neo soul is easy to recognize on “Please”, and the influence of Annie Clark’s vocal style

Review: Sorcier des Glaces – North

Review: Sorcier des Glaces – North

This Québécois group has had something special and unique going on since the ’90s, and despite being underground in most regards, they’ve never put out a mediocre album. I first heard them through their split with Monarque, another under appreciated yet highly skilled and awesome band from the same side of our Northern neighboring country. Have Sorcier des Glaces lost their touch of frosty, sinister, Canadian black metal with this album, you ask? … read more

Review: Savages – Adore Life

Review: Savages – Adore Life

Clad head to toe in black, Savages strove for uncompromising authenticity as they brought the impatient and thunderous heart of post-punk back, topping off their unforgiving album with singer Jehnny Beth’s 36-line manifesto, which sharply decried a world of far too many voices and distractions clamoring for our attention. … read more

Review: Rotting Christ – Rituals

Review: Rotting Christ – Rituals

Whenever your band has a big name and reputation in the metal/extreme metal scene, there are expectations with each new album. For me, Rituals meets those expectations and goes above and beyond. … read more

Review: Pop. 1280 – Paradise

Review: Pop. 1280 – Paradise

Pop. 1280 establish Paradise as an unoccupied city filled with breathtaking buildings and perfectly paved streets. What a waste, considering that the album’s ironic title and industrial cityscapes create an ideal community for humankind’s damned. … read more

Review: Pinkshinyultrablast – Grandfeathered

Review: Pinkshinyultrablast – Grandfeathered

Russian shoegazers Pinkshinyultrablast have quickly followed up on last year’s debut, Everything Else Matters, with Grandfeathered, an album that races off into the same horizon that the prior did. … read more

Review: Mothers – When You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired

Review: Mothers – When You Walk A Long Distance You...

When You Walk is achingly good: the pierced-heart, splintered-bone, blurred-eyes kind of good. That it is only Mothers’ first full-length album is a wonder. … read more

Review: Canopy Canvas – R e a l m

Review: Canopy Canvas – R e a l m

With a catchy, quick intro song, and then straight into a downtempo beat with chimes and bells galore, this release from Canopy Canvas is an addition to the growing ambient section of the vast EDM world. … read more