Art Un-Lectured at Project Open’s Club House
Traditional art spaces can feel stuffy, exclusionary and homogenous.
For this reason, the Art Un-Lectured event gathered local artists and community organizers to push back against this idea by reclaiming the conversation about art in Salt Lake City. A selected panel of visionaries voiced insights from their lived experiences and shared in discussion with an intimate crowd. As mentioned in the event description of Art Un-Lectured, the goal was to connect and share in order to “support the shit out of each other.”
The Salt Lake art community pushes for inclusionary spaces in the local arts
The evening focused around navigating art in Salt Lake City through intersectional lenses such as LGBTQ+ and POC. Thoughtful questions led by Katherine Nix, Sarah Hobin and Nancy Rivera allowed panelists to share their firsthand experiences and provided guidance to the audience. Graciela Campos (Existimos) offered her thoughts on lifting up her community while Jiyoun Lee-Lodge explored her path in institutional visual art. Renato Olmedo-González (Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Mestizo Institute of Culture and Arts, Artes de México en Utah) contributed his perspective from an art-adjacent career. The feeling of the room was ardent yet considerate, with those in attendance contributing with astute comments and responsive questions.
Art Un-Lectured was sponsored by THE BLOCKS, a Salt Lake City initiative that aims to “promote the abundance and vibrancy,” in our community. To learn more or get plugged in to current creative goings-on, check out theblocksslc.com.
At the end of the panel, the event organizers provided a list of resources and opportunities for local artists, below:
ArtOps / Utah Arts and Museums – https://artsandmuseums.utah.gov/artops/
Americans for the Arts – https://www.americansforthearts.org/
The Blocks – https://theblocksslc.com/artist-resources/
SLC Arts Council Public Art Artist Distribution List – http://saltlakepublicart.org/for-artists/
801 Creative Women – https://801creativewomen.com/links-and-resources/
Utah Film Center Artist Foundry – https://www.utahfilmcenter.org/artistfoundry/
Creative Capital – https://creative-capital.org/
GYST-Ink – https://www.gyst-ink.com/)
Springboard for the Arts – https://springboardforthearts.org/professional-growth/work-of-art-program/
College Art Association – https://www.collegeart.org/
SLCC Community Writing Center – http://www.slcc.edu/cwc/
Utah Division of Arts & Museums Public Art Opportunities – https://artsandmuseums.utah.gov/public-art-opportunities/
2022 Pre-Qualified Pool of Artists – http://saltlakepublicart.org/2020-2022-pre-qualified-public-artist-pool/
Visual Arts Fellowship – https://artsandmuseums.utah.gov/fellowship/
Salt Lake City Arts Grants – http://saltlakearts.org/grant-program/
Finch Lane Gallery 2021 – http://saltlakearts.org/program/finch-lane-galleries/
UMOCA Artist Residency – https://www.utahmoca.org/artist-in-residence-application/
Bountiful Davis Artist Residency – https://www.bdac.org/artist-residency
SLC Library Exhibits – https://www.slcpl.org/callforentries
Rio Gallery Exhibition Proposals – https://artsandmuseums.utah.gov/rio-gallery/
SLC Main Library 12 Minute Max – https://events.slcpl.org/event/991933
Salt Lake County Arts and Culture – https://artsaltlake.org/opportunities/
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