Authors: Davey Parish

The Black Godfather: Andre Wililams’ First-Ever Utah Show
Andre Williams plays the kind of music that SLUG magazine is proud to get behind. Down and dirty, completely authentic & 100% original, a real soul rebel, his obscurity is almost baffling, and somewhat conflicting reports of his start in the music business only further the stuff of legend–pretty “cult” for a guy who wrote “Shake a Tail Feather” and produced the first version of “Mustang Sally.” … read more

Bury My Heart in a Record Sleeve
2008 marked Randy’s Records of Salt Lake City’s 30th Anniversary. This is quite a feat considering that every record store that was open in 1978 is now closed or no longer sells records. Randy’s is a monument to the preservation of vinyl and the warm sound that jumps out of the grooves. A sound that is still superior to any version digitalia has yet offered up. … read more