Authors: Dear Dickheads

Dear Dickheads – October 2004
Dear Dickheads, I have spent the last four years listening to ‘sheep’ who have had their political information chewed up and given to them by Sean Hannity, Dr. Laura, Bill O’Reilly, et al. These retarded rednecks then regurgitate the bits of ‘fact’ they have received and see themselves as able political ‘debaters’. I am goddamn

Dear Dickheads – December 2004
Dear Dickheads, I have just one question, what in the Hell is “revival rock?”It sounds like something Rolling Stone or MTV might have come up with. Here’s what Random House has to say about the word “revival”: , n. 1. the act of reviving. 2. the state of being revived. 3. restoration to life,

Dear Dickheads – June 2005
I have heard a rumor that corporate stores around town, like Media Play, have threatened their employees with being fired if they are caught shopping at locally owned music stores … read more
Dear Dickheads – June 2008
Skateboarders can be dickheads, too. … read more