Film Review: Little Women

Film Review: Little Women

Little Women is easily one of the best films of 2019, and it’s a Christmas gift that solidifies its director as one the great cinematic voices of our time. … read more

Film Review: Underwater

Film Review: Underwater

Underwater has been sitting on the shelf for a year and a half, and its release feels more like a formality than anything else. … read more

The Top 11 Films of 2019

The Top 11 Films of 2019

The year is coming to an end, and that means that it’s time to talk about the best films of 2019, and there were a lot to choose from this year. … read more

Film Review: Cats

Film Review: Cats

Cats is barely even an interesting failure. It’s unlikely to please much of anyone and should probably just be put to sleep. … read more

Film Review: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Film Review: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Go into Rise of Skywalker expecting to have mixed feelings, and you should enjoy it. Or hate it. Or both. There’s no telling with us Star Wars fans anymore. … read more

Film Review: 1917

Film Review: 1917

Sam Mendes directs 1917, one of the “best war films ever made” that follows two young British soldiers through the trenches of the Great War. … read more

Film Review: Richard Jewell

Film Review: Richard Jewell

For the most part, Richard Jewell is an example of director Clint Eastwood as a skilled storyteller with a gift for human drama. … read more

Film Review: Jumanji: The Next Level

Film Review: Jumanji: The Next Level

Jumanji: The Next Level is a movie to go into with reasonable-to-low expectations and to have fun. And fun it is, with plenty of action and steady laughs. … read more

Film Review: The Aeronauts

Film Review: The Aeronauts

If anyone out there needs a reminder that the phrase “based on a true story” should be taken with a grain of salt, The Aeronauts is here. … read more

Film Review: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Film Review: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a rare film that left me wanting to be a better person and grateful for everything I’ve learned. … read more