Saturday’s Voyeur 2012 @ Salt Lake Acting Company 07.27

Saturday’s Voyeur 2012 @ Salt Lake Acting Company 07.27

This is my fourth or fifth year in a row checking out the Salt Lake Acting Company’s yearly satire on Utah living and politics, and after sitting through another Jell-O shot filled night, I was not disappointed. This year, they took a slightly different approach than previous years when they have focused almost entirely on headlines from the year. We found ourselves following the narrative of Nephi Jensen, a lowly LDS accounts auditor, as he comes to grips with his relationship wants, his work needs and his religious must-do’s. Nephi is joined by other LDS office building employees, members of Quorum of the 12 and even Mr. Mitt Romney himself. … read more

Bellyography: Viktoriya – June 2009

Bellyography: Viktoriya – June 2009

For the past several years, Utah’s Middle Eastern dance community has often had the opportunity to watch the amazing Viktoriya.  … read more