Death by Salt

SLUG Mag Celebrates the Variety in Local Music with DBS...
The artistry and production quality presented with Death by Salt VI is a display of Salt Lake’s real excellence. … read more

Death by Salt V: Koala Temple, The Nods, The Troubles...
The second of two record release parties for Death by Salt V was held at Diabolical Records on June 13. It featured music by Koala Temple, The Nods, The Troubles—all three of which have an exclusive track on the new compilation album. … read more

Death by Salt V: Dark Seas, Breakers, Albino Father @...
The first of two record release parties for Death by Salt V was held at the Urban Lounge on June 12. It featured music by Dark Seas, Breakers and Albino Father—all three of which have an exclusive track on the new compilation album. … read more

A Pinch of Salt: A History of Death By Salt
There had never been anything like it: Released in 2004, SLUG Magazine’s first Death By Salt compilation offered an overview of a wide array of local musicians as never seen before.

Lines from the Inside of Death By Salt V
SLUG’s Death By Salt V release parties happen June 12 and 13 Urban Lounge and Diabolical Records, respectively. The record features some of the best garage and psych that Utah has to offer, and we reviewed each track of this compilation in the liner notes.

DBS III Announcement
On December 21 and 22 2007, We at SLUG Magazine will give you Death by Salt Vol. 3, the first compilation of Salt Lake City bands to be produced on vinyl in several decades, and the third installment in our Death By Salt compilation series. … read more