Rockability: An Interview With Dash Rip Rock

Rockability: An Interview With Dash Rip Rock

From the heart of New Orleans, Louisiana, there comes a rock ‘n roll band that’s staying true to the South’s tradition of producing great roots-rock bands. … read more

The Skeletones: Do the Rockabilly  ‘til the break of day

The Skeletones: Do the Rockabilly  ‘til the break of day

Local rockabilly fans had good reasons to partake of these simple pleasures during the month of March as a hot new rockabilly trio. … read more

Record Review: April 1992

Record Review: April 1992
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Doghouse has to be Salt Lake’s longest and best-kept secret. Hidden away in a small practice space somewhere in the city for three years. … read more

Comic: April 1992

Comic: April 1992

Two of the comics field’s more talented and lesser-known creators and World War … read more

Book Reviews: April 1992

Book Reviews: April 1992
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Wild Wives reads like an old, familiar noir movie. … read more

Paganism in Utah: April 1992

Paganism in Utah: April 1992
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On a March afternoon, three prominent members of the Salt Lake pagan community gathered with SLUG staffers to discuss their perspectives on Paganism in Utah. The three included Gretchen, a Dianic priestess and co-editor of Webster’s—a local Pan-Pagan zine. Gary, an initiate of high ceremonial magic, and Prdydd Ap Donn (A magical name pronounced “pridith-ap-dawn”),