Record Reviews: December 1994

Record Reviews: December 1994
By ,

When they have the finances for a full-length and a decent production job they could be one of the Salt Lake bands to bust this town wide open. … read more

Lisa Germano — Interview With a Geek

Lisa Germano — Interview With a Geek

Lisa Germano sometimes feels like a geek, thus the name of her latest album, and my lame attempt at an interview. She’s not though. … read more

Feature: Commonplace

Feature: Commonplace

How do you sum up someone’s life? Especially one that was cut so short? For those of you who have not heard, Scott Bringard passed away November 16, 1994. … read more

Concert Reviews: December 1994

Concert Reviews: December 1994
By ,

SLUG hacks were slighted in favor of more respectable names in the city, names I won’t mention but whose faces you won’t see at a Cramps show or in a local club. … read more

B-Movie Reviews: December 1994

B-Movie Reviews: December 1994

The end of the film is in fast rewind and basically what should be done before watching this snoozer.  … read more