Book Reviews: March 1992

Book Reviews: March 1992
By ,

Here are SLUG’s two literature picks for March of 1992. If anything, they sure aren’t boring. … read more

Consolidated: Fighting The Evil System

Consolidated: Fighting The Evil System

This is no rock n’ roll band. It’s a democratically executed forum of social and political transformation. Check out SLUG’s archived Consolidated column. … read more

Notes from the Industrial Underground: March 1992

Notes from the Industrial Underground: March 1992

Well kids, I’m back from hell with news from the frontline of the Industrial Revolution. Check out what this month’s underground has to say. … read more

Record Reviews: March 1992

Record Reviews: March 1992
By , , , ,

Catch up with SLUG’s latest archived batch of record reviews from all your favorite vintage writers like, Scott Vice, Charlee, M and more! … read more

Trapped by the Mormons March 20-22 @ the Tower Theatre

Trapped by the Mormons March 20-22 @ the Tower Theatre

The 1922 film focusing on the cultish actions and schemes of a pair of the LDS Chruch titled Trapped by the Mormons is playing at the Tower Theatre. … read more

Interview: Lydia Lunch

Interview: Lydia Lunch

This was one of those horrid phone interviews, with Lydia Lunch calling from New Orleans to Provo (which she’s probably never heard of). … read more