Local Reviews: Salt Town Greasers

Local Music Reviews

Salt Town Greasers

Street: 06.14
Salt Town Greasers= Dave Alvin +Southern Culture on the Skids + The Irish Brothers

I can’t tell if these folks are trying to create an eclectic sound or if they just can’t make up their minds on what to play. Country, punk, psycho and rockabilly all find their way into the mix, but with little thought as to how to play these genres well. This is an alright band that is going to play lots of fun shows around town maybe get to open up for someone like Reverend Horton Heat, but beyond that, they’re just going to be that local band that everyone sees a bunch of times. And hey, there’s not a damn thing wrong with that. At least there out there making some noise. I don’t want to discourage anybody here because every city needs a couple of bands like this to represent us as far as rockin’ good times go. Does anybody remember the Salt City Bandits from a couple of years back? They were the same deal as these guys, and not just because they both have salt in their names, but because they’re a good rock ‘n roll band that doesn’t care whether they make history or not.