Zone Tripper - Voyager album artwork

Review: Zone Tripper – Voyager

National Music Reviews

Zone Tripper


Sub Culture Records

Street: 02.07

Zone Tripper = Tron (1982) + Kraftwerk + Danger

Zone Tripper’s new ep, Voyager took me back in time when the popularity of synth pop had just begun. Voyager is fun but beautiful—the almost arcade-like tracks had my mind wandering to the days when I filled the hours playing classics like Pac-Man and Tetris. The title track, with its robotic voices, synth guitar and infectious melody, made me instantly think of the 1982 movie Tron, but in a Phantom of the Opera kind of way, because of the way the song told its story—it was moving. Another track that instantly made me nostalgic was “Secrets,” including ’80s-styled closed hats and claves—the song instantly made me think of Rick Astley’s popular hit, “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Zone Tripper’s Voyager is a must-buy for any ’80s fan! –Mama Beatz