For this episode of Soundwaves, local musician Tyler Tovey comes in to talk about his solo project, Glume, how it came to be and the ways in which his music has evolved with the emotional experiences of his life. Born and raised in Utah, Tovey has always seen creating music as the deepest expression of himself.
Tovey started his musical journey with a band in high school called Psychosis but soon realized that the music he was making had to be done solo. Taking inspiration from the dark elements of 80s punk and new wave sounds, Tovey began building Glume. He wanted both the name and the album artwork to be representative of his sound, and after creating his first three-track demo, Tovey landed on the name Glume.
A key element of Tovey’s music is the drumbeat. Beginning by teaching himself how to play the drums on a kit at his friend’s house, he continued learning by ear and eventually saved up enough to buy his own kit—translating that skill to his production, Tovey now creates his beats using an electronic kit. Tovey begins writing each song with the drums, followed by hours of experimentation on his synth.
Though his music has grown since the release of his first demo, All I Ever Wanted Was For Us to Never End, he looks back proud of what he created, knowing that it was a true representation of himself. In August of 2018, Tovey released Redefine Displeasures, a successful product transforming trying times in his life into emotionally fruitful and gratifying musical expressions. You can find more of Glume’s music at glumewaveslc.bandcamp.com.
Thanks for listening to SLUG Mag Soundwaves.
- This podcast was created by SLUG Magazine and produced by Angela H. Brown, Parker Scott Mortensen
- Associate Producers: Alexander Ortega, Joshua Joye, John Ford, Bianca Velasquez, Zaina Abujebarah
- Executive Producer: Angela H. Brown
- Music by Glume
- Soundwaves logo and art design by Nicholas Dowd
- Technical design by Matthew Rasmussen
- Photo: Harrison Porter