Century Media Records

Review: Lucifer – Lucifer II
Lucifer = Black Sabbath + Stevie Nicks + Blue Oyster Cult … read more

Review: Moonsorrow – Jumalten aika
Moonsorrow = Menhir + Finsterforst + Bathory
… read more

Review: Tribulation – The Children of the Night
Tribulation = Morbus Chron + Degial + King Diamond … read more

Review: Bloodbath – Nightmares Made Flesh
Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh Century Media Records Sweden is home to a lot of totally shitty bands these days. Bloodbath is not one of them. This band has actually existed for almost six years now. Don’t let the founding members’ more accessible full-time gigs (Edge of Sanity, Opeth) fool you—Bloodbath is a serious nod

Review: Impaled – Death After Life
Impaled Death After Life Century Media Records As I scraped shredded meat off of the scalpels and saws on my block, I noticed the pus oozing from the new Impaled disc. Pathological waste in the form of oozing riffage at once encrusted my eardrums. It was at this point that I deduced the flesh-shredding

Review: Children Of Bodom – Trashed + Lost And Strung...
CHILDREN OF BODOM TRASHED + LOST AND STRUNG OUT Century Media Records Children of Bodom = Blood Stained Child, Slayer, Nevermore + Dimmu Borgir There’s no denying how popular Children Of Bodom has become. These sissies are so popular now, I’m probably transgressing some dark code of death metal that I’ve forgotten by even having them