Metal Blade Records

Review: Cult of Luna – The Long Road North
Cult of Luna = Neurosis + Rosetta … read more

Review: Behemoth – I Loved You At Your Darkest
Behemoth = Dark Funeral ÷ Graveland + Nokturnal Mortum … read more

Review: Desaster – The Oath of an Iron Ritual
Desaster = Gospel of the Horns + Nocturnal + Deströyer 666
… read more

Review: Mirror – Self-Titled
Mirror = Rainbow + Argus … read more

Review: Secrets of the Sky – Pathway
Secrets of the Sky = Anathema + Katatonia + Paradise Lost … read more

Review: Six Feet Under – Crypt of the Devil
Six Feet Under = True Carnage–era Six Feet Under – Ice-T + Cannabis Corpse + Anata … read more

King Diamond: A Visit From The Dead
King is the kind of guy who has heavy metal in his soul—in a way that goes far beyond the theatrics and posturing that dominate the scene today. When I asked him about the biggest changes he had seen in the heavy metal scene over his long career, his answer was simple but thoughtful. “It hasn’t changed that much,” he says, “but you keep learning more and more all the time.” … read more

Review: Winter Solstice – The Fall of Rome
Winter Solstice The Fall of Rome Metal Blade Records Ooh, tricky—I thought by the title and statue on the cover, this would be gothic metal or power metal, but it’s just another piece-of-shit screamo metalcore band. Fuck this waste of plastic. And I wish these fags would stop trying to trick people into thinking their