Local Review: The Hotness – Fashion Over Comfort

Local Review: The Hotness – Fashion Over Comfort

The Hotness Fashion Over Comfort Sound Vs. Silence Street: 02.06 The Hotness = La Severence + The Get Up Kids guitar + high school band with 700 Myspace friends I’m a sucker for a good dance song. I could care less what the artist is singing about, as long as they can keep my ass

Local Review: Various Artists – Sound vs. Silence Vol. 1

Local Review: Various Artists – Sound vs. Silence Vol. 1

Various Artists Sound vs. Silence Vol. 1 S vs. S = Her Candane + Still Breaking Hearts + Goodbye Blue Monday + Joel Pack + Clarity Process + Still Life Projector + The Hifi Massacre + Danny Vesper Even if Sound vs. Silence doesn’t showcase the best bands in SLC, they have no lack of talent