Month: July 2008
National CD Reviews – July 2008
Abiku Left & Right Automation Records Street Date: 05.27& 06.24, respectively Abiku = Genghis Tron + Get Hustle + X + Berserk + Coughs Having enjoyed Abiku’s previous release, Location, I was a bit intimidated by the 96 track Left & Right collection of songs. However, this release shows an artistic advancement that places Abiku
Smile! Japan’s Boris is Headed to SLC
For those of you who have never experienced the sheer earfuck that isJapan’s Boris, it’s not too late to get on theboat. With their latest release on SouthernLord, Smile, Boris has once again shown themasses why they refuse to be pigeon-holedand are constantly re-writing what heavymusic “should be.” By some sheer stroke ofinsane luck, I was granted an e-mail interviewwith Atsuo, Boris’s drummer and apparentspokesman … read more
Putting Local Flair Back Into Buying Food
In 1998, as a senior environmentaleconomics major at the Universityof Utah, Ian Brandt started avegetarian food cart. Brandtoriginally intended to pursue acareer in the Utah’s ski industry,but soon discovered that said itdidn’t jive with his philosophy. “[I]saw so many flaws in that industryand how it attended to the needsof the environment,” Brandt says,“So I started trying to generatesome ideas as to what I would do tofind work.” … read more