Review: Kishi Bashi – Sonderlust

Review: Kishi Bashi – Sonderlust

Kishi Bashi = Queen + Lord Huron + Electric Light Orchestra … read more

Review: Jenny Hval – Blood Bitch

Review: Jenny Hval – Blood Bitch

Beginning and ending with synth, Jenny Hval’s “Blood Bitch” is a fusion of statement art-pop, burdened breathing and provocative soundbites (see: “Last night, I took my birth control with rosé”). This artist has long been a crusader for the second sex. … read more

Local Review: Spirit City – We’re All Insane

Local Review: Spirit City – We’re All Insane

Spirit City = Death Cab for Cutie + PlayRadioPlay! + Innerpartysystem … read more

Local Review: Soft Touch – Self-titled

Local Review: Soft Touch – Self-titled

Soft Touch’s newest, self-titled album is much more accessible and danceable than their last album, “Touch.” With newer, dancier vibes, “Soft-Touch” is an album you’ll want queued up for your fall music playlist. … read more

Local Review: Sam Burton – Until Returning

Local Review: Sam Burton – Until Returning

Sam Burton = Department of Eagles x (Nick Drake + Jackson C. Frank) … read more