Local Review: Meldrum House – Prototype

Local Review: Meldrum House – Prototype

With an intro sounding like it would break out into “Hotel California,” it was surprising when heavy guitar and bass burst into the mix and everything turned metal. Combining influences of ska, metal and punk with style, Meldrum House is a band that excels at the headbanging genre with a counterpoint of soft vocals. … read more

Local Review: Max Pain and the Groovies – Ancient Grease

Local Review: Max Pain and the Groovies – Ancient Grease

Max Pain and the Groovies is a psychedelic garage rock band that is the embodiment of the local music scene in SLC. You’ll find them at any and every venue, kicking back beers and jamming front row for fellow artists. Staying true to themselves, Max Pain’s newest album, “Ancient Grease,” is essentially about partying: an album that is both light-hearted and dark, leading listeners through the collective world of its five bandmates. … read more

Local Review: Johnny Betts – There Are No “A” Sides

Local Review: Johnny Betts – There Are No “A” Sides

Johnny Betts unfolds stories like sermons (with the preaching sucked out), using figures from Christian mythology in his lyrics. “There Are No ‘A’ Sides” contains love, loss, God and stories from the good book. Homegrown and emerging, Betts is a soon-to-be favorite. … read more

Local Review: E.L.84 Band – Volume 1

Local Review: E.L.84 Band – Volume 1

E.L.84 = Booker T. & the M.G.’s + Grateful Dead + Norman Greenbaum … read more

Local Review: Erasole James – Into the Muh

Local Review: Erasole James – Into the Muh

Erasole James is an up-and-coming-rapper in SLC. Recently, he opened for August’s SLUG Localized and is becoming very active in the SLC rap scene. Using strong lyrics, varied meter and complicated rhyme schemes, James is a rap artist to be reckoned with! … read more

Review: Ex-Cult – Negative Growth

Review: Ex-Cult – Negative Growth

Ex-Cult’s latest album, “Negative Growth,” hearkens back to the group’s post-punk-meets-hardcore roots and is complete with a fuzzed-out and sludgy sound. Boasting a sound with an almost unrivaled intensity, the group’s listeners can bear witness to a band that never fails to deliver. This new album is no less intense and incredible. … read more