Authors: Andy Wright
Sarah Phillips
By the end of April I’ve usually had enough goddamn snow to hold me over until a visit to the southern hemisphere in August (sometimes longer). But at the end of last season this limey Sarah Philips would not stop blowing up my phone. … read more
Photo Feature: Mikey LeBlanc
It’s a rare day that Mikey LeBlanc is jumping off something that has anything but a completely flat landing. … read more
Photo Feature: Seth Huot
Weber State has to be the biggest tease anywhere. The place is an endless wonderland of rails and ledges, but it’s also probably one of the biggest busts on the face of the earth. … read more

Photo Feature: Jeremy Jones
Jeremy Jones Sandy, Utah In the winter of 2008 Jeremy Jones showed me this gap into this baseball field and it was just about the biggest thing I’d ever seen at the time. The snow was never right to make it happen that season, but last year we had tons of snow early and to

Photo Feature: Dan Brisse
Dan called me up and told me about a 40-stair straight rail he wanted to do in Salt Lake and I couldn’t for the life of me think of where one of those would be. Every rail in this town has been mapped out and sessioned heavily over the years. Having only lived here a few years, Dan sees things through fresh eyes. That, and he’s one determined dude when it comes to making stuff happen. … read more
Photo Feature: Robbie Walker
Wall rides are pretty fickle tricks. The basic variety have been pretty played out the last few years, but with a bit of creativity and/or consequence involved, there is still quite a bit of value in this type of maneuver. Robbie Walker surprised a lot of people with his urban boarding skills this past winter and maybe not more so than with this high-to-low wallride session. … read more
Photo Feature: Chris Grenier
Every year, I think I’ve taken my last photo at the rail garden but somehow this place just keeps producing shots. I had just gotten home the day before from a long, somewhat disappointing trip to the midwest in search of this very kind of snowboarding. I was up at Brighton taking some soul runs to get the stoke back and got a call from Grenier to come shoot something at the rail garden. … read more
Photo Feature: Justin Keniston
Justin Keniston, AKA Gyp, AKA Chip, is one of the new faces I met last season. He would come out to help and shred whenever I was shooting with Laura Hadar. I don’t think I heard him say a word until the third or fourth such session, but that was long after I figured out he was much more than a roadie and definitely knew a thing or two about boarding himself. Just the other day, it was mentioned that he was a ‘90s baby and I’m old enough to be his father. … read more
Photo Feature: Justin Bennee
25th Street in Ogden might be one of the few places I’ve ever shot photos where the cops seriously couldn’t care less about what you’re doing. It’s probably due to the number of crackheads running around on this block. One of the few cops who even bothered to stop to talk to us at this spot did so out of concern for our safety, and not from snowboarding but from the crackheads! … read more
Photo Feature: Bjorn Leines
I’ve known Bjorn Leines so long that I think when I first met him, Bush’s dad was president and I was sporting a ponytail that ran halfway down my back. This guy’s been around, and somehow he stays on top of the game year in and year out. When Ogden got all the snow last year, Leines was game to throw his veteran knees and back into the mix of flat landings. He even gave the rookies a demonstration on how to match your sponsor’s name on your base to your kit. … read more