Review: Cyness – Loony Planet/Industreality CD

Review: Cyness – Loony Planet/Industreality CD

Cyness Loony Planet/Industreality CD Sound Pollution   I haven’t been into grindcore since the glory days of Napalm Death, Brutal Truth and Assuck. I guess I got sick of the constant barrage of noise in my old age and started listening to much catchier music in the way of 80s hardcore punk. Now that 80s-style

Review: Communiqué – Poison Arrows

Review: Communiqué – Poison Arrows

COMMUNIQUE POISON ARROWS Lookout Had Duran Duran grown up listening to themselves and pop punk rather than the glam appeal of Bowie, T-Rex or Roxy Music and stole their image from a less fashionable Interpol over David Sylvian they would have looked and sounded like Communiqué. Well you might also have to add a bit

Review: Cold Cave – You & Me & Infinity
Review: Clinic – Winchester Cathedral

Review: Clinic – Winchester Cathedral

CLINIC WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL Domino The men dressed in scrubs return with more evidence of exactly why they are one of the cast of Radiohead’s favorite bands (sometimes it is hard to tell who exactly is influencing who) and how it’s just about time everyone else took notice. In many ways, Clinic are the older, more

Review: Combichrist – Everybody Hates You

Review: Combichrist – Everybody Hates You

Combichrist Everybody Hates You Metropolis   In the last year, Combichrist has released some of the best music to cross my desk in a long time. It’s lighthearted, evil, sexy, danceable and delicious. Fifteen years ago, I felt the same way about Nitzer Ebb; it got in the veins and you were hooked. “This s*it

Review: Codeseven – Dancing Echoes/Dead Sounds

Review: Codeseven – Dancing Echoes/Dead Sounds

Codeseven Dancing Echoes/Dead Sounds Equal Vision Apparently Codeseven were once a screamcore band whose high watermark was a cover of “Boys of Summer.” One day they got older, heard Radiohead and traded in their metal for something more mother-friendly. They of course lost nearly the entirety of their original fanbase. I can only imagine the wonderful

Review: Charmparticles – Sit Down For Staying

Review: Charmparticles – Sit Down For Staying

CHARMPARTICLES SIT DOWN FOR STAYING Childstar Sit Down for Staying is supposed to be an updated variation on the shoegazer theme. It is full of guitars taken from Ride records, blue prints from Slowdive and given a touch of warmth that reminds me of current popsters The Stars. It does however lack the delicate balance

Review: Blow Up Hollywood – Fake

Review: Blow Up Hollywood – Fake

BLOW UP HOLLYWOOD FAKE I never cared for the band Live. It wasn’t so much the music as the band itself. They always came off as pretentious and never achieved the sense of artistic creativity they seemed to think they had achieved. Blow Up Hollywood sound a lot like Live, only they’ve got the

Review: Black Tape For a Blue Girl – Halo Star

Review: Black Tape For a Blue Girl – Halo Star

BLACK TAPE FOR A BLUE GIRL HALO STAR Projekt Often regarded as innovators in the ethereal/darkwave genre, Black Tape For A Blue Girl return with an album that is dominated by male vocals rather than the angelic female approach that has been found on the majority of their recent releases. It is, however, not a

Review: Billy Idol – Devil’s Playground

Review: Billy Idol – Devil’s Playground

Billy Idol Devil’s Playground Sanctuary Having placed himself in a self-imposed exile, the majority of the last decade was decidedly Idol-less. Billy was off losing himself in cyberpunk culture (rather prophetic, considering The Matrix was far from view) and the excesses that defined him as one of the 80s most reckless superstars. Then there was